If some one wants to find an alternative in local market, he will always take such as Bergquist, 3M, Laird or Chomerics as benchamark. Here is an example of comparison between GLPOLY and Fujipoly product.
Fujipoly GR-ae is a medium performance thermal gap pad, but many manufacturers are unable to provide an alternative to such a soft thermal pad. GLPOLY invested huge energy and resources to develop ultra soft thermal pad years ago and made great achievements, GLPOLY XK-P15, 1.5W/mK thermal pad is one of them.
One of our customers looked for a thermal gap pad from local supplier replacing Fujipoly GR-ae. They tested many samples and could not find a proper one, why? Fujipoly GR-ae is just a medium thermal performance thermal pad with a thermal conductivity of 1.3W/mK, but its biggest advantage is low hardness of Shore00 15, so we recommended XK-P15 ultra soft thermal gap filler pad to customer.
The test lasted for three weeks, the values of thermal conductivity and thermal resistance were stable and temperature rise is within expection, customer said”this is only one our that met our requirement I had ever tested, I’ll fix solution in several days”. It was unexpected, customer confirmed this thermal management solution the next day.
What features does it have? Thermal conductivty of XK-P15 is 1.5W/mK, it’s similar to Fujipoly GR-ae. Actually it’s not a high value in this product family, but it has some unique advantages. We know that thermal performance depends on several factors: thermal conductivity, thermal impedance, contact thermal resistance, etc. Thermal impedance becomes the key factor to thermal performance because both products provide similar thermal conductivity. By contrasting the technical data sheet, thermal impedance of GR-ae is 0.94℃.in2/W and XK-P15(1.5W/mK)’s thermal impedance is 0.8 ℃.in2/W, we find that GLPOLY XK-P15 provides better performance than Fujipoly GR-ae.
This soft thermal pad is specially designed for automotive electronics, precise devices, which requires low strain and high compression. GLPOLY XK-P15 allows 70% of compression with ultra low hardness by Shore00 15. At the meantime, soft pad will prevent cells from being damaged.
It’s too much trouble to buy something from Janpanese suppliers, so you don’t need to find you yourself some trouble, just try to contact GLPOLY or click www.glpoly.com.