GLPOLY Silicone free thermal pad XK-PN45 vs Keratherm Ac500
Though we had rarely seen an advertising of Kerafol, its products received popular recognition. The author received lots of inquiry and ask if we have Kerafol products or any alternative. Here we take Kerafol Keratherm Ac 500 and GLPOLY XK-PN45 for an example.
Kerafol Keratherm Ac 500 is medium performance silicone free thermal pad with 4.2W/mK of thermal conductivity, but it still offers better performance than other top class brand such as 3M,Bergquist or Fujipoly. I’m not saying they can’t produce higher performance silicone free thermal pad, but they don’t offer product like this in regular catalog. Kerafol Keratherm Ac 500’s thermal resistance is only 0.18℃in2/W, we can learn that it is really more excellent than other top class brands.
GLPOLY had studied silicone free thermal pad for years and achieved a lot of achievements. Silicone free thermal pad XK-PN45 is a similar product to Kerafol Keratherm Ac500, with 4.5W/mK of thermal conductivity and 0.18℃in2/W of thermal resistance.
Kerafol Keratherm Ac500 and GLPOLY XK-PN45 are low modulus soft pad, they conform to component topography, resulting little stress on components and reducing contact resistance.
Why do we repalce Keratherm Ac500 with XK-PN45 silicone free thermal pad if they offer similar peformance? The author think local purchase will save you logistics time, cost or delivery cycle, accelerating launch of products.