GLPOLY Thermal Management
Committed to solving thermally conductive
problems for top-class clients

GLPOLY thermal materials help you solve your toughest thermal management challenge with complete portfolio of products

2020-1-14 17:17:42   |   Source:GLPOLY   |   Author:GLPOLY   |   Views:


GLPOLY thermal materials are trusted thermal management products, backing by state-of-the-art R&D resource and quality service. GLPOLY thermal management solutions provides reliable, high performance in multipe markets and applications including automtive, consumer electronics, industrial devices, telecom, communication and more.

GLPOLY provides complete portfolio of thermal management materials protecting your devices and brand reputation.

1. Thermal gap pad. Soft thermal pad is recommended for applications that require a minimum amount of pressure on components. It is high conformable, low modulus and two sided self tack for reducing contact thermal resistance.

2. Thermal gap filler. Two-part dispensable thermal gap filler and one-part thermal gel are included. They has a ultra thin bondline and feature high performance, low thermal impedance, suitable for automated dispensing system, saving cost and improving productivity.

3. Silicone-free thermal materials. Silicone-free thermal gap filler and silicone-free thermal pad are suitable for silicone-sensitive applications which has optical windows avoding siloxane volatiles.

4. Other thermal solutions include thermally conductive tapes, thermally conductive adhesives, epoxy, thermal grease, hybrid thermal&EMI absorber and more.

No matter your industry, GLPOLY thermal management materials can help you design devices that run cooler and more reliably. The excellent thermal conductivity, high dielectric strength and conformability make them ideal for electronics and its related products.

All are based on years of pioneering research and experiences in thermal management technologies. And no matter your applications, our experts are ready to help you solve your toughest thermal management challenges, with comprehensive support and time-tested knowledge.

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