GLPOLY XK-G30 is high performance, low thermal impedance thermal gel with thermal conductivity of 3.0W/mK, it is ideal for AI equipment.
Some suppliers marked “for AI product thermal management”on specification and deceived customers with fake data, unfortunately, long-term reliability test will tell the truth.
IDRIVERPLUS, a famous service robot company, the engineer consulted us about thermal management materials for autonomous sweeping vehicle. He stated definitely”firstly, thermal conductivity is 3.0W/mK or greater, secondly, 10-year service life”. Most of suppliers failed to satisfy these two requirements. But to GLPOLY, these were not barriers any more, we were not bragging, we showed customer the test of object.
Five XK-G30 samples was sent to customer in Beijing, the test will last for one month. During the test, the customer rised another question: can you do aging test at the same when we test it? we want to see wheather the results are consistent. When the test was finished, the result surprised customer, data from two tests were within the tolerance of requirement statement. “GLPOLY XK-G30 is the best we have ever tested”
GLPOLY introduced automated production lines for thermal gel and thermal gap filler, eliminating artificial error and keeping product consistent. They are in cartridge package desiged for automated dispensing production, decreasing time consuming hand assembly, reducing labor cost and improving productivity.
GLPOLY takes Bergquist, Chomerics and Laird as benchmark, providing quality product and design flexibility.