We found that more and more thermal management solutions integrate several funcations into one package. For example, a thermal solution for electronic requires excellent thermal performance and electromagnetic wave absorbing, we called it Hybrid Thermal and EMI Absorber. Laird is one of the best for world class brands and GLPOLY is leading the way in local market.
GLPOLY Hybrid Thermal and EMI Absorber XK-J25 features high permeability and low thermal resistance, applying to telecommunication and pan tilt system. Though there are analogues of hybrid thermal and EMI absorber in local market, leaving reliability of product aside, if its price is similar to that of a regular thermal silicone gap pad, obviously it is not legit. Hybrid thermal and EMI absorber is suitable for precise devices for avoiding electromagnetic interference in a limited space.
We provided hybrid thermal and EMI absorber XK-J25 to a smart system company. They designed a system in which the electromanetic interference must be eliminated for the voice module, so a thermal gap pad and an EMI absorber were designed to fill in at the beginning. When they found us, we recommended this material to them for solving these two problems at one time.
XK-J25 has a thermal conductivity of 2.5W/mK and a permeability of 20 at 1Mhz. It exibited lower thermal resistance and lower hardness when customer compared it with other competing products. XK-J25 deflects under low compressive force, improving interface contact.
The raw material of XK-J25 was supplied by top class supplier, production process is under strict control for consistency.
GLPOLY is the only one supplier that can provide complete portfolio of thermal management materials.